Enhance your whole milk program. It’s as simple as adding milk replacer. Incorporating Excel ProGro™ as a milk extender in your feeding program can increase strong growth and elevate energy consumption for calves.

What’s a milk extender?
Using a milk replacer, like Excel ProGro™, mixed with your whole milk allows you to ‘extend’ the nutritional components in your feeding program. This increases the concentration of solids fed to calves (often lower in whole milk). The benefit to your calves? They receive additional energy and a consistent nutritional profile in every meal.

Recommended mixing rate is 170g of powder per litre of water, adding the reconstituted milk replacer in equal parts to whole milk.

Consult  Grober Nutrition for additional recommendations.

Why add a milk extender to whole milk?

  • Increase protein to energy ratio when feeding whole milk
  • Strong calf growth and digestion from consistent nutrient supply
  • Flexibility of use between a milk replacer and whole milk extender without concerns of nutritional deficiency
    or mineral toxicity as the case would be with a milk balancer product
  • Intermediate cost savings when feeding whole milk is preferred and a nutrient dense feeding program is
    your goal
  • With the help of a refractometer, maintain higher and more consistent total solids fed

Suggested use rate of Excel ProGro™ as a whole milk extender
Milk replacer powder should be prepared according to tag instructions before adding to whole milk.
Prepare by mixing 170g of powder into 1L of water, adding in equal parts with whole milk.
Feed mixed solution at calf body temperature.

Calf age Amount/feeding Total/day
day 1 colostrum 4L within 2 hours of birth, 2L in next 6-8 hours
day 2-4 0.75L whole milk + 0.75L Excel (128g powder)
= 1.5L total/meal
2.25L whole milk + 2.25L Excel (382g)
= 4.5L total/day
day 5-7 1L whole milk + 1L Excel (170g powder)
= 2L total/meal
3L whole milk + 3L Excel (510g)
= 6L total/day
week 2-7 1.5 to 2L whole milk + 1.5 to 2L Excel (255-340g)
= 3-4L total/meal
4.5L whole milk + 4.5L Excel (765g)
= 9L total/day
week 8 (weaning) 1-2L whole milk + 1-2L Excel (170-340g)
= 1-4L total/meal
1-4L whole milk + 1-4L Excel (170-680g)
= 2-8L total/day

Never use a medicated milk replacer as a whole milk extender as the effective dose of medicated ingredient will be diluted.

Grober Nutrition

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